








“Write a 20-word product description for the Acme Trail 5 Mountain Bike.”

("为Acme Trail 5 山地自行车写一个20字的产品描述。")


Acme Trail 5: Rugged, agile mountain bike—perfect for off-road adventures. Conquer trails with confidence and style.

(Acme Trail 5:坚固、灵敏的山地自行车-适合越野探险。以自信和风格征服各种山地路径。)

你可以将上述简单的提示输入到ChatGPT界面(也称为“对话”)中,但不要包含有关产品的更多细节,你会发现我们得到了一个相对通用的回答。ChatGPT的对话是累积的 - 当你继续输入新的指令时,AI会记住你先前在同一次对话中给出的其他指令。通过添加更多细节,我们可以不断完善结果。在这个练习的最后,我们将把所有的指令合并成一个简单的主提示。


现在,让我们添加更具体的描述词,以帮助AI充实文案并包含关于产品的重要信息。我们在这里写了关于优秀产品文案的要素 - 当使用ChatGPT时,这些最佳实践仍然适用。在产品内容中注入事实、优势和解决方案对于吸引客户非常重要。请看ChatGPT如何在我们提供的信息和格式上进一步发展,创造出更具丰富的产品描述。


“Include these details, stated in the form of benefits for the customer: green, alloy wheels, lightweight, perfect for new cyclists, good for challenging terrain. Add a bullet list of these features: durable frame, disc brakes, 16 gears, tire width: 2.25”, weight: 30 lbs.”



Discover the Acme Trail 5 Mountain Bike—your gateway to outdoor adventure! Enjoy the vibrant green color, lightweight design, and sturdy alloy wheels. Perfect for new cyclists, this bike confidently handles challenging terrain, empowering you to explore with ease.


  •  Eye-catching green color to stand out on the trails
  • Lightweight construction for effortless handling and transport
  • Alloy wheels for enhanced durability and performance
  • Ideal for new cyclists seeking a reliable and user-friendly bike
  • Tackle challenging terrain with confidence and control


  • Durable frame built to withstand tough conditions
  • Responsive disc brakes for safe and precise stopping
  • 16 gears to adapt to varying inclines and terrains
  • Tire width: 2.25" for improved grip and stability
  • Weight: 30 lbs—optimized for easy maneuverability






“Write the product description from the point of view of an experienced sporting goods manufacturer/cycling enthusiast/knowledgeable salesperson.”  

(Other “role” ideas: Designer, Startup, Fitness Coach, Tony Hawk, etc.)



Introducing the Acme Trail 5 Mountain Bike—your adventure companion! Lightweight and vibrant green, this bike is perfect for new cyclists eager to explore challenging terrain. Enjoy the confidence of a durable frame, responsive disc brakes, versatile 16-gear system, and stable 2.25" tires. Weighing just 30 lbs, the Trail 5 is easy to maneuver and ready for action!


让 ChatGPT 了解我们内容的目标受众是谁。ChatGPT 关于电子商务的提示应该面向特定业务的理想客户。在描述潜在客户时,用平实的语言说,不用担心寻找完美的词语 - 那是 AI 的工作。通过快速概述您的买家的需求、情感或角色来帮助它。在这种情况下,我们来重新调整面向 B2B 买家的文案。


“Rewrite this product description for resellers who are very familiar with mountain bikes and are shopping for their retail stores.”


Enhance your store's mountain bike selection with the Acme Trail 5—a high-performance bike designed for new cyclists entering the off-road scene. The Trail 5's vibrant green color, lightweight build (30 lbs), and alloy wheels make it an attractive choice for customers seeking both style and functionality. Key features include:

  • Durable frame: Built to endure rugged trails and off-road conditions.
  • Disc brakes: Delivering reliable stopping power for enhanced safety.
  • 16-gear system: Providing versatility to tackle varying terrains with ease.
  • Tire width: 2.25" for optimal grip and stability on challenging trails.

The Acme Trail 5 mountain bike balances quality and good looks—ideal for expanding your customer base and driving sales. Stock the Trail 5 and empower your customers to embark on their next adventure with confidence.





“Rewrite in the style of Nike.com. Tone is confident, encouraging, enthusiastic, authoritative, youthful, professional, technical, and slightly snarky. Still orient copy to a B2B buyer.”



Ready to revolutionize your store's mountain bike lineup? It's time to meet the Acme Trail 5 Mountain Bike—the ride that's here to shake things up and leave the ordinary in the rearview mirror.

  • Boldly Green, Boldly Seen: The Trail 5's unapologetically vibrant green color is a game-changer. Your customers want to stand out? We've got 'em covered.
  • Light as Air, Tough as Nails: Weighing in at a mere 30 lbs, this bike is built to float over rugged terrain like it's no big deal. Easy handling, maximum thrill.
  • Alloy Wheels for the Win: Durability meets performance with premium alloy wheels. Your customers bring the fire, we bring the fuel.
  • Tech-Savvy Dominance: A rock-solid frame, pinpoint disc brakes, a slick 16-gear system, and 2.25" tires for stability—this bike packs a punch that'll wow even the pros.
  • Catering to new riders? Perfect. The Trail 5 is the ultimate gateway to off-road adventure. User-friendly, yet decked out with specs that'll leave the competition eating dust. So, stock up, inspire your customers, and watch the sales roll in.

The Acme Trail 5—Ride Bold, Ride Free.


6、完成初步内容,要求 ChatGPT 根据需要进行修订文本。

与传统创意写作一样,通过反复修改和修订,ChatGPT 的回答质量会得到改善。一旦 ChatGPT 生成了“基本符合要求”的产品文案,您可以使用非常简单、对话式的命令来改进结果或引导其朝另一个方向发展。使用简单的命令,比如“更多……”,“更少……”,“更长”,“更短”,以及可能适用的任何形容词。在这种情况下,让我们减少一些口号/玩笑,并重新调整这份描述,使其听起来更加技术性,以吸引我们的 B2B 买家。


More technical. Tone down the adjectives. Include a statistic about the most popular types of bikes. Include these keywords: “bike tire tread,” “aluminum bikes.”


Introducing the Acme Trail 5: Performance-Driven Mountain Bike

When selling to retail customers, you understand the importance of offering high-quality mountain bikes that meet the demands of today's riders. With mountain bikes being one of the most popular types of bikes—accounting for over 20% of total bike sales—it's essential to stock options that deliver both performance and value.

The Acme Trail 5 is a prime example of a performance-driven mountain bike, engineered with technical features that cater to new cyclists entering the off-road scene:

  • Durable Construction: The Trail 5 features an aluminum frame, combining strength and lightweight properties for optimal performance on challenging terrain. Aluminum bikes are known for their durability and responsiveness, making them a top choice for riders.
  • Advanced Braking: Equipped with disc brakes, the Trail 5 provides riders with precise and reliable stopping power, ensuring safety and control on steep descents and variable trail conditions.
  • Versatile Gearing: The 16-gear system allows riders to adapt to varying inclines and terrains with ease, enhancing the overall riding experience and enabling smooth transitions between gears.
  • Optimized Traction: The bike tire tread on the Trail 5's 2.25" wide tires is designed for improved grip and stability on off-road trails, providing riders with confidence and security in various conditions.
  • Lightweight Design: Weighing just 30 lbs, the Trail 5 is easy to maneuver, making it an ideal option for new cyclists seeking a user-friendly bike that doesn't compromise on technical features.

The Acme Trail 5 is a competitively priced mountain bike that balances technical specifications with accessibility for new riders. By adding the Trail 5 to your store's lineup, you'll be offering a bike that meets the growing demand for high-performance mountain bikes in the market.

7、 从ChatGPT中取出副本内容并手工润色

当 AI 产品描述生成器接近您期望的文案时,是时候亲自进行润色了。ChatGPT 可以产生出色的初稿,但大多数文案仍然需要人工调整。

您可能会觉得 ChatGPT 的回答“机械化”。这可能是一个难以准确找出的问题,但如果文案听起来太普遍化或过分解释,那就需要重新修改。也许您想插入一些额外的产品细节,或者可能觉得 ChatGPT 的文案过于冗长。请留意重复的短语、过度使用您提供的形容词以及句子过长的情况。同时,还要注意可能存在的未提供的修饰词。您可能已经注意到在上面的示例中,尽管我们没有提供有关价格的信息,但 ChatGPT 将我们的假设产品认定为“价格具有竞争力”。这些细节需要由人工编辑进行更正。

ChatGPT 目前没有本机导出文本的命令。请从 ChatGPT 界面上复制文本,并粘贴到文字处理应用程序(如 Word、Pages 等)中,选择“清除格式”以删除格式残留,并转换为纯文本,然后进行任何必要的调整,最后便可以直接作为网站产品描述。


我们上面讨论的每个命令可以逐个在同一 ChatGPT 对话中输入,也可以将所有请求编译为一个模板,以便将来根据需要快速进行修改。以下是一个通用的模板示例,它包含我们迄今为止的所有命令 - 只需用斜体字中的信息替换,以便重复使用该模板来描述一个新产品。


“Write a 20-word product description for the “Acme Trail 5 Mountain Bike” which includes: green, alloy wheels, lightweight, perfect for new cyclists, good for challenging terrain. Add a bullet list of these features: durable frame, disc brakes, 16 gears, tire width 2.25”, weight 30 lbs. Your role is an experienced bike manufacturer. Tone is confident, encouraging and funny. Style is similar to Nike.com. Audience is resellers who are very familiar with mountain bikes and are shopping for their retail stores. Engaging but not too funny. Include technical details and a statistic about the most popular types of bikes, and keywords: “bike tire tread” “aluminum bikes.” 

(“为“Acme Trail 5 山地自行车”写一个包括以下信息的 20 个词的产品描述:绿色、合金车轮、轻巧、适合新手骑行者、适合具有挑战性的地形。添加一个描述这些特点的项目列表:耐用的车架、刹车盘、16 档位、轮胎宽度 2.25 英寸、重量 30 磅。您的角色是经验丰富的自行车制造商。语气自信、鼓励和幽默。风格类似于 Nike.com。受众是非常熟悉山地自行车并为他们的零售店购物的经销商。有趣但不要太幽默。包括技术细节和关于最受欢迎的自行车类型的统计数据,以及关键词:“自行车胎纹”、“铝合金自行车”。)

创建了基本提示后,您还可以将其他商品的列表提供给 ChatGPT,以便以同样的风格为所有商品一起生成文案。只需将新商品直接粘贴到当前的 ChatGPT 对话中。


“Using the same prompt, write individual product descriptions for the following items:”


然后粘贴以逗号或换行符分隔的产品名称列表。可能需要进行一些编辑,但如果您正在处理大量共享某些属性的产品库存,则此技术特别有用。在我们的示例中,也许您有 10 辆类似的山地自行车,它们因颜色或配件而异。您可以向 AI 提供任意数量的产品列表,指示有关每个产品的独特详细信息,它将为每个项目创建单独的副本。

ChatGPT 常见问题解答

如何访问 ChatGPT?


首先在这里创建一个 OpenAI 账户:https://chat.openai.com/auth/login,然后在这里访问的 ChatGPT 接口:https://chat.openai.com/


首先在这里创建一个 贸易指南针账号:https://ai.smtso.com/?i=40073C,然后在这里里面登录,访问使用“问天”功能。

ChatGPT 会提供错误的信息吗?

重要的是要记住,ChatGPT 并不是一本百科全书或一个有思想的研究员。它仅仅是在从2021年9月开始的书面内容中进行筛选和训练。有时,它会合并或者虚构事实来为提供答案。因此,确保始终对其提供的任何事实主张或统计数据的有效性进行核实非常重要。您可以要求 ChatGPT 引用相应的来源(如果适用)。

我可以使用 ChatGPT 生成关键词吗?

可以。只需将关键词或草稿复制粘贴到 ChatGPT 中,然后询问它是否有其他关键词建议。请注意,这些答案不是基于最新的关键词研究,往往是通用的。将它们作为自己关键词研究的起点。

我使用 ChatGPT 生成的文本属于我吗?

是的,您可以根据自己的意愿使用 ChatGPT 的回复,无论是商业用途还是非商业用途,但有一个重要的限制条件。ChatGPT 本身不拥有任何知识产权,但如果它提供的任何材料是直接从受版权保护的材料或已经侵犯版权的内容中复制的,如果您使用这些材料,可能会违反版权法。这就是为什么在发布前使用一个查重器来检查文本是否存在抄袭问题是一个最佳实践。


有时候可以!把 ChatGPT 视为您工具箱中的另一个工具。为一个产品描述开发一个具体的提示可能对于一个小的文案订单来说不是必需的,但是对于更大或者重复内容需求,这个工具非常方便。此外,所有 ChatGPT 的对话都存储在您的账户中并保持活动状态。一旦您为一个产品完善了一个提示,您可以稍后返回相同的对话,只需提供其他产品的粗略细节,AI 将会以相同的风格继续生成回复。