

  1. 全球化覆盖:领英拥有超过7亿注册用户,遍布全球200多个国家和地区。这意味着您可以轻松接触到来自世界各地的潜在客户,扩大贸易范围和市场份额。

  2. 专业人群定位:领英的用户主要是职业人士和企业决策者,他们在领英上展示了自己的工作经历、技能和专业知识。这使得您可以更精准地找到符合您目标客户群体的人,并与他们建立联系。

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  5. 专业社群和行业洞察:领英上有各种各样的专业社群和行业组织,您可以加入这些群组,与同行和行业专家分享经验和见解。这将帮助您了解行业动态和趋势,提升您的专业知识和洞察力。



a) English: "Hello [Name], I noticed that we are both connected to [Mutual Connection's Name] and thought it would be great to connect. I am always looking to expand my professional network and learn from individuals like yourself. Let's connect and explore potential synergies in our industries."

中文解析:「你好 [姓名],我注意到我们都和 [共同联系人的姓名] 有联系,并且认为建立联系会很不错。我一直在寻找机会扩大我的职业网络,并向像你这样的人学习。让我们连接起来,探索我们行业的潜在合作机会。」

b) English: "Hi [Name], I came across your profile on LinkedIn and found your experience in [Specific Industry/Field] quite impressive. It would be great to connect and exchange insights on the latest trends and developments in our industry. Looking forward to connecting with you!"

中文解析:「你好 [姓名],我在领英上发现了你的个人资料,对你在 [特定行业/领域] 的经验印象深刻。很希望能够建立联系,交流我们行业最新的趋势和发展动态。期待与你的连接!」


a) English: "Hello [Name], I noticed that we are both members of the [Group Name] group on LinkedIn. I find the discussions in the group quite insightful and thought it would be great to connect with fellow members. Let's connect and continue the conversation outside the group!"

中文解析:「你好 [姓名],我注意到我们都是领英上 [群组名称] 群组的成员。我觉得群组中的讨论非常有见地,很希望能够与其他成员建立联系。让我们连接起来,在群组之外继续交流!」

b) English: "Hi [Name], as a fellow member of the [Group Name] group on LinkedIn, I have noticed your valuable contributions and insights in the discussions. I believe connecting with like-minded professionals can lead to fruitful collaborations. Let's connect and explore opportunities to collaborate!"

中文解析:「你好 [姓名],作为领英上 [群组名称] 群组的一员,我注意到你在讨论中提供了很有价值的贡献和见解。我相信与志同道合的专业人士建立联系可以带来丰硕的合作机会。让我们连接起来,探索合作的机会吧!」


a) English: "Hello [Name], I recently came across your insightful comment on [Topic] in the [Group Name] group. Your perspective resonated with me, and I believe we could have valuable discussions on [Topic] and other related areas. Let's connect and exchange ideas!"

中文解析:「你好 [姓名],最近我在 [群组名称] 群组上看到了你对于 [话题] 的深入评论。你的观点与我产生了共鸣,我相信我们可以在 [话题] 和其他相关领域进行有价值的讨论。让我们连接起来,交流思想吧!」

b) English: "Hi [Name], I was impressed by the article you shared on LinkedIn about [Topic]. Your insights and expertise in [Industry/Field] are truly commendable. I would love to connect and learn from your experiences. Looking forward to connecting with you!" 中文解析:「你好 [姓名],我被你在领英上分享的关于 [话题] 的文章所打动。你在 [行业/领域] 的见解和专业知识令人钦佩。我很希望能够与你建立联系,并从你的经验中学习。期待与你的连接!」

4、如果对方在领英上非常活跃,发的贴子和文章的评论很多,是行业里知名大公司的高管等,行业经验非常丰富的行业老兵,可以称之为industry leader,并表达想要跟他们学习:

a) English: "Hello [Name], I have been following your insightful posts and comments on LinkedIn, and I must say your knowledge and experience in [Industry/Field] are truly remarkable. I would be honored to connect with an industry leader like you and learn from your valuable expertise. Let's connect and share our insights!"

中文解析:「你好 [姓名],我一直在关注你在领英上的深入发帖和评论,不得不说你在 [行业/领域] 的知识和经验真的非常出色。能够与像你这样的行业领导者建立联系并从你宝贵的专业知识中学习将是我的荣幸。让我们连接起来,分享我们的见解吧!」

b) English: "Hi [Name], your contributions to the LinkedIn community, particularly in [Industry/Field], have caught my attention. Your expertise and achievements are inspiring, and I would love to connect with someone of your caliber. Let's connect and exchange ideas, as I believe there is much to learn from industry leaders like yourself."

中文解析:「你好 [姓名],你在领英社区的贡献,尤其是在 [行业/领域] 的贡献引起了我的注意。你的专业知识和成就非常令人钦佩,我很愿意与像你这样的人建立联系。让我们连接起来,交流思想,因为我相信像你这样的行业领导者身上有很多值得学习的地方。」


a) English: "Hi [Name], I noticed that we have [Mutual Connection's Name] in common and thought it would be great to connect. They speak highly of you, and I believe connecting with someone who shares a mutual connection can lead to meaningful collaborations. Let's connect and explore potential synergies in our industries."

中文解析:「你好 [姓名],我注意到我们有共同的联系人 [共同联系人的姓名],并且认为建立联系会很不错。他们对你评价很高,我相信与共同联系人有联系的人建立联系可以带来有意义的合作机会。让我们连接起来,探索我们行业的潜在合作机会。」

b) English: "Hello [Name], I came across your profile and noticed that we are both connected to [Mutual Connection's Name]. I have heard great things about you from our mutual connection and would love to connect and discuss potential collaborations. Let's connect and see how we can support each other in our professional endeavors!"

中文解析:「你好 [姓名],我看到了你的个人资料,并注意到我们都与 [共同联系人的姓名] 有联系。从我们的共同联系人那里听说了很多关于你的好评,我很希望能够建立联系,讨论潜在的合作机会。让我们连接起来,看看我们如何在职业发展中互相支持吧!」


a) English: "Hi [Name], I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to let you know that our company will be attending the upcoming [Industry Exhibition/Conference] next month. I believe this event is a great opportunity for networking and staying updated on the latest industry trends. It would be wonderful to connect with you during the event and discuss potential collaborations. Let's stay in touch!"

中文解析:「你好 [姓名],希望你一切都好。我想告诉你,我们公司将参加下个月的 [行业展览/会议]。我相信这个活动是一个很好的交流机会,可以让我们了解行业的最新趋势。在活动期间与你建立联系,讨论潜在的合作机会将是非常棒的。让我们保持联系吧!」

b) English: "Hello [Name], I wanted to reach out and let you know that our company will be hosting a industry-specific conference next month. It will bring together industry experts and professionals to discuss the latest advancements and challenges in our field. I believe your insights and expertise would be valuable in this event. It would be great to have you join us and exchange ideas. Let's connect and discuss further!"

中文解析:「你好 [姓名],我想联系你并告知我们公司将在下个月举办一个行业特定的会议。这个会议将汇集行业专家和专业人士,讨论我们领域的最新进展和挑战。我相信你的见解和专业知识在这个活动中会非常有价值。希望你能加入我们,进行思想交流。让我们建立联系并进一步讨论吧!」


a) English: "Hello [Name], I wanted to reach out and introduce our company to you. We specialize in [specific industry or service] and have a strong track record of delivering [value proposition or key benefits]. I noticed that you have a keen interest in [specific area or topic], and I believe our expertise in this field can be mutually beneficial. I would love to discuss how we can collaborate and add value to your business. Let's connect and explore potential opportunities!"

中文解析:「你好 [姓名],我想联系你并向你介绍我们的公司。我们专注于 [特定行业或服务],并拥有在[价值主张或关键优势]方面的出色业绩。我注意到你对 [特定领域或话题]非常感兴趣,我相信我们在这个领域的专业知识可以互相受益。我很希望能够讨论如何合作,并为你的业务增加价值。让我们建立联系,探索潜在的机会!」

b) English: "Hi [Name], I came across your profile and noticed that you place a strong emphasis on [specific area or value]. At our company, we pride ourselves on [specific strength or capability] that aligns perfectly with your focus. I believe we can contribute to your success by [value proposition or key benefit]. Let's connect and discuss how we can work together to achieve our mutual goals!"

中文解析:「你好 [姓名],我看到了你的个人资料,并注意到你非常注重 [特定领域或价值]。在我们公司,我们以我们与你关注点完美契合的 [特定优势或能力]为傲。我相信通过 [价值主张或关键优势],我们可以为你的成功做出贡献。让我们建立联系,讨论如何共同实现我们的目标吧!」


a) English: "Hi [Name], I remember seeing your post about attending [specific exhibition/conference]. It seemed like a great event, and I'm curious to know what your key takeaways were from it. As someone who is also interested in [related topic], I would love to hear your thoughts and insights. Let's connect and continue the conversation!"

中文解析:「你好 [姓名],我记得看到你发过的关于参加 [特定展览/会议] 的帖子。看起来这是一个很棒的活动,我很想知道你从中得到了什么关键收获。作为一个对 [相关主题] 感兴趣的人,我很想听听你的想法和见解。让我们建立联系,继续对话吧!」

b) English: "Hello [Name], I noticed that you have attended several industry events, including [specific exhibition/conference]. I've heard great things about that event and the valuable connections people make there. I'm curious to know what insights or experiences you gained from it. Let's connect and discuss our experiences at industry events!"

中文解析:「你好 [姓名],我注意到你参加了几次行业活动,包括 [特定展览/会议]。我听说那个活动很棒,人们在那里建立了宝贵的联系。我很好奇你从中获得了哪些见解或经验。让我们建立联系,讨论我们在行业活动中的经历吧!」


a) English: "Hi [Name], I recently came across some exciting news about your company's latest achievements. I wanted to reach out and congratulate you on [specific accomplishment or milestone]. It's impressive to see how your company continues to innovate and make a positive impact in the industry. I would love to learn more about your recent developments and explore potential ways we can collaborate. Let's connect and discuss further!"

中文解析:「你好 [姓名],最近我看到了一些关于你们公司最新成就的令人兴奋的消息。我想联系你并对你们在 [特定成就或里程碑] 上表示祝贺。看到你们公司如何不断创新并在行业中产生积极影响真是令人印象深刻。我很想了解更多关于你们最近的发展,并探索我们可以合作的潜在方式。让我们建立联系,进一步讨论吧!」

b) English: "Hello [Name], I wanted to reach out and commend your company on the recent news about [specific achievement or recognition]. It's evident that your team's hard work and dedication have paid off. I'm impressed by your company's commitment to excellence and would love to explore opportunities for collaboration. Let's connect and discuss how we can support each other's growth!"

中文解析:「你好 [姓名],我想联系你并对你们公司最近关于 [特定成就或认可] 的新闻表示赞许。显然,你们团队的努力和奉献得到了回报。我对你们公司追求卓越的承诺印象深刻,并且很愿意探索合作机会。让我们建立联系,讨论如何支持彼此的成长吧!」
