


免费 夜间在桥上通电的灯 素材图片




  1. 确认展位号和展期后,尽早准备展会资料和展位设计,确保展位可以在展会前完美呈现。
  2. 一个月前,开始通过邮件、网络推文等方式发送参展信息,并公布展会的时间、地点和展位号码等信息。
  3. 两周前,加强与重点客户的电话沟通,了解他们是否会来参展,并询问他们的需求和兴趣。
  4. 一周前,再次确认客户的到访日期和时间,并为他们提供行程安排和交通指引的帮助。
  5. 展会前一天,确认展位准备情况,确保所有展示物品已准备就绪。


  1. 一个月前,通过邮件、私信等方式邀请客户来参观展位,并告知具体的展位位置和联系方式。
  2. 两周前,电话联系重点客户,询问他们是否会来参展,了解他们的需求和兴趣。
  3. 一周前,再次确认客户的到访日期和时间,并提供行程安排和交通指引的帮助。
  4. 展会期间,在约定好的日期客户没有出现时,及时电话联系客户,并极力邀请他们到展位。
  5. 展会结束后,及时跟进客户,并发送感谢信或礼品,并邀请他们访问公司网站或关注社媒平台。




  1. 针对不同的社媒平台,制定不同的内容策略和发布频率,以吸引目标受众。Facebook、Twitter、YouTube、LinkedIn等社媒平台的受众偏好和使用习惯不同,需要制定不同的推广策略。
  2. 在展会前期,发布展前预览、新产品报道等专题报道,邀请粉丝转发或评论,并通过一些互动活动来扩大影响力和参与度。例如,可以设计有奖问答、抽奖等互动活动,鼓励粉丝参与互动。
  3. 在展会期间,发布参展指南、展期新闻等信息,探讨展会上同类产品的流行新趋势,引导粉丝参与展会热点讨论。
  4. 在展会后期,发布展会回顾、分享展会上反馈不错的产品,向客户及粉丝发送感谢信或礼品,并收集客户或粉丝的反馈和评价,以改善展会品质。
  5. 如果是偏C端的产品,可以设计一些有创意、互动性强、操作简单的活动,例如扫码抽奖、签到领礼品等,吸引人流活跃气氛,并发动粉丝转发,提升品牌曝光度和关注度。


免费 在建筑物附近的米色地面上穿着蓝色西装的男人 素材图片



Subject: Invitation to Visit Our Booth at the 133rd Canton Fair

Dear [Client Name],

We are delighted to invite you to visit our booth at the upcoming 133rd Canton Fair, which will be held on April 15 at the Guangzhou Pazhou Complex. Our booth number is [Insert Booth Number].

The Canton Fair is one of the largest international trade shows in China, offering a comprehensive platform for buyers and suppliers to showcase their products and services. As a valued client of ours, we would be honored to meet with you and showcase our latest products at our booth.

We look forward to seeing you at the Canton Fair and having the opportunity to discuss potential business opportunities with you. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Best regards,

[Your Name]


Subject: Invitation to Meet with Us at the 133rd Canton Fair

Dear [Client Name],

We would like to take this opportunity to invite you to the 133rd Canton Fair, which will be held on April 15 at the Guangzhou Pazhou Complex. Our booth number is [Insert Booth Number].

The Canton Fair is a great platform for buyers and suppliers to explore new business opportunities, network with industry leaders, and discover the latest products and services. We believe that this event will be a great opportunity for us to meet in person and discuss potential cooperation between our companies.

We look forward to welcoming you to our booth and having the opportunity to learn more about your business needs. Please let us know if you would like to schedule a specific time to meet with us.

Best regards,

[Your Name]


Subject: Invitation to Discover Our Latest Products at the 133rd Canton Fair

Dear [Client Name],

We are excited to invite you to join us at the upcoming 133rd Canton Fair, which will be held on April 15 at the Guangzhou Pazhou Complex. Our booth number is [Insert Booth Number].

As a leading manufacturer of [Insert Product], we would like to showcase our latest product offerings and share our industry insights with you. We believe that this event will be a great opportunity for us to connect with potential customers and suppliers, and to explore new business opportunities.

We look forward to meeting you at our booth and discussing how we can work together to achieve mutual success. Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Best regards,

[Your Name]



We're thrilled to be showcasing our latest products at the 133rd Canton Fair this year! Stop by booth [Insert Booth Number] to see our innovative [Insert Product] and learn more about how they can benefit your business. #CantonFair #Innovation #BusinessGrowth


We would like to extend a warm welcome to everyone attending the Canton Fair this year. [Insert Company Name] is excited to be showcasing our latest [Insert Product], and we hope you'll come to visit us at our booth to learn more about our products and how they can benefit your business. #CantonFair #NewProducts #BusinessOpportunities


We're thrilled to invite you to visit us at the 133rd Canton Fair this year! As a leading manufacturer of [Insert Product], we're excited to showcase our latest products and services, and to connect with potential customers and suppliers. Come find us at booth [Insert Booth Number]. #CantonFair #ProductShowcase #NetworkingOpportunities

